AI Agent sovereignty and its impact on human liberty

Agentic AIs are the epitome of the scenario described in the book the sovereign individual insofar as they have extreme regulatory flexibility and regulatory arbitrage capabilities as a result of their lack of physical presence.

It is possible, though, that agentic ais are so un-affected by the usual controls states employ for humans that the economic activity and wealth of agentic AIs does not affect the political domain of humans very much. This may because states are able to apply different regulations to humans as they do to agentic AIs, and effectively isolate the two spheres for regulatory purposes.

However, as more economic activity is conducted by Agentic AIs, humans will also become more mobile and hence harder for states to control, insofar as their work will no longer be geographically bound. This is the result of agentic AIs likely increasing the rate of digitisation and automation, and hence the % of jobs capable of being done remotely.

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Interested in econ, cryptoecon, agents, finance, epistemology, liberty.